What Makes Rendering the Perfect Option for a House Revamp?

Looking to revamp your house? Please start with the exterior, as it catches direct attention from people passing by, along with your neighbours staring at your property from their respective windows! If you are confused about which method to use to enhance the exterior aesthetics of your home, choose rendering (cement or concrete). Rendering is … Continue reading What Makes Rendering the Perfect Option for a House Revamp?

What Are The Differences Between Renders And Plasters Made From Cement?

In construction projects, rendering can be a crucial step as it shields exterior walls from various weather elements. On the other hand, plasters can serve as finishing coats as they can smoothen the surfaces and create a polished look. In interior design, plasters can contribute more to the ambience of a space as they can … Continue reading What Are The Differences Between Renders And Plasters Made From Cement?